How to Set Up a Parent-Controlled Smartphone for Child Safety?

In today’s digital age, ensuring your child’s safety while using a smartphone is imperative. As parents, you want to protect them from inappropriate content, excessive screen time, and potential online dangers. Fortunately, there are several parental control apps and settings that can help you manage their device usage effectively. In this guide, we will delve into the steps to set up a parent-controlled smartphone for child safety, focusing on Android devices and Google Family Link.

Understanding the Importance of Parental Controls

Before diving into the technical details, let’s grasp the significance of parental controls. With an increasing number of children using smartphones, the need for monitoring and guiding their digital activities has never been more crucial. Parental controls allow you to:

  • Restrict access to unsuitable content.
  • Set screen time limits.
  • Monitor activities across various apps.
  • Prevent unauthorized purchases.
  • Ensure safe browsing.

By implementing these measures, you not only safeguard your child but also promote healthy digital habits that can benefit them in the long run.

Setting Up Google Family Link

Google Family Link is a powerful tool designed to help parents monitor and manage their child’s Android device usage. Here’s how you can set it up:

Step-by-Step Guide to Google Family Link

  1. Download and Install Family Link:
    Begin by downloading the Family Link app from the Google Play Store on both your phone and your child’s device. The app is available for both Android and iOS devices.
  2. Create a Google Account for Your Child:
    If your child doesn’t have a Google account, you will need to create one. Open the Family Link app on your device, tap on “Get Started,” and follow the prompts to create and link a new Google account for your child.
  3. Link Your Child’s Device:
    On your child’s phone, sign in using the new Google account. Follow the instructions to link the child device with your parental account. This will give you control over the device settings and usage.
  4. Set Up Parental Controls:
    Within the Family Link app, you can set various controls such as app permissions, screen time limits, and content filters. For instance, you can restrict access to certain apps by selecting “Manage Settings,” then “Controls on Google Play.”
  5. Monitor and Manage:
    The Family Link app allows you to oversee your child’s activities, including app usage, screen time, and location. Regularly check these settings and adjust them as necessary to ensure your child’s safety.

Customizing Parental Controls on an Android Device

Beyond Google Family Link, Android devices offer built-in parental control features that can be personalized to meet your family’s needs. Here’s how to get started:

Setting Up Parental Controls in Google Play Store

  1. Open Google Play Store:
    On the child’s phone, open the Google Play Store app.
  2. Access Settings:
    Tap on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the upper left corner, then select “Settings.”
  3. Enable Parental Controls:
    In the Settings menu, tap on “Parental controls.” Turn on parental controls and create a PIN that only you know. This PIN will be required to change these settings in the future.
  4. Set Content Restrictions:
    You can now set restrictions based on content ratings for apps, games, movies, TV, books, and music. This ensures that your child only accesses age-appropriate content.

Managing Screen Time on Android

  1. Use Digital Wellbeing:
    The Digital Wellbeing feature in Android allows you to monitor and manage screen time. Open the “Settings” app on your child’s device, then select “Digital Wellbeing & parental controls.”
  2. Set App Timers:
    Within Digital Wellbeing, you can set daily time limits for specific apps. This is particularly useful for regulating social media or gaming usage.
  3. Schedule Downtime:
    Create a schedule for “Downtime,” during which the device will be locked or only specific apps will be accessible. This helps ensure your child gets adequate rest and avoids late-night screen exposure.

Utilizing Third-Party Parental Control Apps

While Google Family Link and Android’s built-in features are robust, third-party parental control apps can offer additional functionalities. Here are some top-rated options:


Qustodio is a comprehensive parental control app that provides detailed reports on your child’s online activities. It offers features like web filtering, app blocking, and location tracking. Qustodio can be installed on Android, iOS, and other devices, making it a versatile choice for families.

Norton Family

Norton Family allows you to monitor your child’s screen time, block inappropriate content, and supervise their social media activities. It also provides detailed insights into your child’s online behavior, helping you understand and manage their digital footprint.

Kaspersky Safe Kids

Kaspersky Safe Kids offers real-time location tracking, screen time management, and content filtering. It also provides alerts if your child attempts to access restricted content or if they leave a designated safe area.

Tips for Effective Use of Parental Controls

Setting up parental controls is just the beginning. Here are some tips to make the most out of these tools:

Communicate with Your Child

Explain to your child why you are implementing parental controls. Open communication fosters trust and helps them understand the importance of online safety. Ensure they know that these measures are in place to protect them, not to invade their privacy.

Regularly Review and Adjust Settings

Children’s needs and behaviors change over time. Regularly review and adjust the parental control settings to keep up with their development and interests. Be proactive in addressing any new concerns or digital challenges they may encounter.

Lead by Example

Children often emulate their parents’ behaviors. Demonstrate healthy digital habits by limiting your own screen time, engaging in offline activities, and prioritizing family interactions. This sets a positive example for your child to follow.

Educate About Online Safety

Teach your child about the potential dangers of the internet, such as cyberbullying, phishing, and inappropriate content. Encourage them to come to you if they encounter anything uncomfortable or suspicious online.

Utilize Multiple Tools

Don’t rely solely on one tool or app for parental controls. Use a combination of built-in features, third-party apps, and open communication to create a comprehensive safety net for your child’s digital activities.

Setting up a parent-controlled smartphone is essential to ensure your child’s safety in the digital world. By leveraging tools like Google Family Link, Android’s built-in settings, and third-party parental control apps, you can effectively manage and monitor your child’s device usage. Remember, the goal is not to restrict your child’s access but to guide and protect them as they navigate the online landscape. Regular communication, ongoing adjustments, and leading by example will help you create a safe and balanced digital environment for your family.

By following these steps and tips, you can be assured that your child will have a safer and healthier experience with their Android device. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and most importantly, stay connected with your child.

